Correctional Healthcare
Correctional health care involves the practice of medicine within the unique environment of a correctional facility. This includes state prisons, county jails, juvenile facilities, detention centers, post-arrest processing centers, and psychiatric and mental health facilities.
The attorneys at Bleeke Dillon Crandall have over a decade of experience representing the medical providers in Indiana's state prisons and many of Indiana's county and municipal jails. These cases are litigated as both medical malpractice cases and Constitutional claims arising under the 8th and 14th Amendment and 42 USC Section 1983. Many of these claims are resolved on summary judgment, either on the merits of the claim or under the Prison Litigation Reform Act. Bleeke Dillon Crandall has also tried several correctional healthcare claims to jury verdict. Defending correctional healthcare claims involves an understanding of the complexities and constraints of practicing medicine in a correctional setting and the significant medical issues unique to that patient population.
The attorneys at Bleeke Dillon Crandall have defended these cases at the trial court level in state and federal court, and on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, the Indiana Court of Appeals, the Indiana Supreme Court, and the Indiana Department of Insurance. We also assist correctional healthcare providers with Consumer Complaints brought by offenders with the Attorney General's Office and with licensing complaints before various professional licensing boards. We often work closely with judges and other attorneys to coordinate issues that arise with offender care, including defending requests for injunctive relief.
Carol Dillon and Jeb Crandall are regular speakers at the National Commission on Correctional Health Care's annual meetings.
Contact us for more information about our correctional healthcare litigation defense practice.